A research study that surveyed over 10,000 millionaires resulted in the following findings to help guide others to achieve a comfortable financial security:

  • 79 percent of the respondents did not receive any inheritance; 80 percent were from families at or below a middle-class income level.
    Conclusion:Building wealth is within your control and doesn’t depend on being born into a rich family.
  • 33 percent never made more than $100,000 a year; 31 percent made around $100,000.
    Conclusion: Wise spending, saving, and investing are more important than your salary level.
  • 94 percent live on less than they make; 75 percent reported never having a credit card balance.  
    Conclusion: Stay out of debt and keep expenses below your income to build a financial foundation.
  • 75 percent of those in the study indicated consistent investing over a long period of time as the reason for their financial success; 80 percent invested in their company’s 401(k) plan; none said one individual stock investment was a big factor in their financial success. 
    Conclusion: You don’t need to find that one stock that will make you rich. Invest consistently in broad-market index funds over a long period of time.

88 percent of those who responded graduated from college, compared to 38 percent of the general population. And over half (52%) of the millionaires in the study earned a master’s or doctoral degree, compared to 13% of the general population. Almost two-thirds (62%) graduated from public state schools, while only 8 percent went to a prestigious private school.

Most of the 10,000 millionaires studied achieved their wealth through consistent investing, avoiding credit card debt, and smart spending, along with…no lottery tickets… no inheritances…no six-figure incomes…no lucky stock picks. 

Even when millionaires don’t have to worry about money anymore, they’re still careful about their spending. Over 80 percent reported using a grocery list in some format.

For additional information on building wealth, click here.

Teaching Suggestions

  • Have students talk to others to obtain information about actions they take to achieve long-term financial security.
  • Have students create an oral presentation or podcast that reports the findings of the study summarized in this article.

Discussion Questions 

  1. What actions do you believe to be most important for building wealth?
  2. Describe how you might communicate to others suggested actions for improved long-term financial security.


With inflation, you will not be able to avoid higher prices. However, there is one action you can take that will not be affected by inflation. As advocated by legendary investor Warren Buffet, one of the strongest protections against inflation is investing in yourself. Obtaining additional career skills and improving existing ones will keep you in demand.

These added skills, unlike a lower value of the dollar, are inflation-proof. Various career abilities will be in demand no matter what the dollar is worth. These competencies can’t be taken away from you, and this investment in yourself is not taxed.

As a business owner or investor, the advice is similar. Offer a top-level product or service that will be in demand even in times of inflation. As noted by Buffet: when inflation is high the best thing you can do is be exceptionally good at something.

For additional information on an inflation strategy, click here.

Teaching Suggestions

  • Have students talk to others to learn about the actions they have taken in their lives to enhance and expand their career skills.
  • Have students research online sources available for free and low-cost classes and certification programs to enhance a person’s career skills.

Discussion Questions 

  1. What actions are you taking to enhance or expand your career skills?
  2. What are examples of exceptional products or services that might be in demand even in times of inflation?